
A handful of corporations control every step along the food supply chain.


Consolidation: Seeds

Just four corporations sell 76% of all soybean, 85% of all corn, and 91% of all cotton seeds in the U.S. And one corporation owns patented genetic traits found in 80% of U.S. corn and over 90% of U.S. soybeans.


Consolidation: Meatpacking

The four largest corporations process 54% of all chicken, 67% of all pork, and 73% of all beef. Powerful packers drive out small farms: Since 1980, 40% of beef cattle operations and 90% of hog farmers have gone out of business.


Consolidation: Retailers

In one decade, Walmart went from selling no groceries to the largest U.S. food retailer. Today, 1 in 4 dollars spent on groceries goes to Walmart. Other grocery chains have merged in order to compete. Just between 1996 and 1999 there were 385 mergers in the grocery industry.


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